Cyber City’s Tyranny; D.C.’s Mordor

(A repeat after me poem  by J.S.T Louise)

My emails

my emails

My private emails

my private emails

Were typed

were typed

As if I were to soon die;

as if I were to soon die;

the embarrassment is fighting

the embarrassment is fighting

too much.

too much.

I use to be a camp counselor,

I use to be a camp counselor,

But now I’m a poet

But now I’m a poet

writing about war.

writing about war.

I wish the poem would end

I wish the poem would end

I have too much to say.

I have too much to say.

I never went to an Occupy Movement protest

I never went to an Occupy Movement protest

But I saw this is how it works

But I saw this is how it works

Human microphone: my emails

Human microphone: my emails

My private emails

My private emails

Could be smeared for any reason because of mass spying,

Could be smeared for any reason because of mass spying,

and I’m just an eclectic Luddite artist

and I’m just an eclectic Luddite artist

who lives a double caught-22–

who lives a double caught-22–


(Occupied by J.S.T Louise; photo November 2011)
i wouldn’t ever recommended checking out my website of chicken little semi-cloned prose: Poems Found, where I share certain leaks about the non-fiction manuscript I’m currently dying to never release and work on until whoever pries it from my knitting typist, clean as a cat, fingers. I clean my cuts with only the best bee vomit.

Spew. I’m not supposed to do that here– have a song for your own private hello, goodbye. Nice to meet you:

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